
Day of the Tentacle Remastered review: Sludge-o-Matic sucker for love - nelsonaccur1948

At a Glance

Practiced's Paygrad


  • Overhauled fine art silent captures the look and feel of the original
  • Clever use of spot-and-click conceits


  • About puzzles are excessively far-out/dense
  • Can't highlight hotspots in classic pixel art mode

Our Verdict

Day of the Tentacle may look new, merely this is still the same ol' signal-and-click people fell taken with with in 1993. For better and for worsened.

This week I played Daytime of the Tentacle legally. Those of you World Health Organization played it back in 1993 sympathise why this is such a big fish. And the rest of you? If you're inquisitive "Why would he part off a followup with such a banal instruction?" then blame LucasArts.

See, Day of the Tentacle is the latest Double Fine re-tone ending, pursuit in the wake of last yr's Grim Fandango Remastered. Despite existence a classic point-and-click—and many people's favorite point-and-click of all clock—it's been beautiful much hopeless to buy Day of the Tentacle for the last fifteen or so years.

And in real time you send away. With spiffy newly euphony and art, in addition. Information technology's sufficient to make you discombobulate up your petite purple tentacle arms and cheer.

Every tentacle has its day

The sun is bright. The birds are chirping. And a purple tentacle creature named…Purple Tentacle…is boozing toxic guck out of a river. The Lorax's rack up incubus is Purplish Tentacle's takeover de grace, a bit of nuclear-bolstered organic evolution that causes Empurpled Tentacle to grow arms.

And as is the case for complete creatures-with-arms, his next whole tone is to try and assume the human race.

Day of the Tentacle

Three kids—a grind named Bernard, a stoner titled Hoagie, and a weird hippie named Laverne—are the only ones WHO stool quit Purple Tentacle. Their program? Travel back in time to yesterday and turn off Dr. Fred Edison's sludge-fashioning Sludge-O-Matic machine.

Brilliant! If only Dr. Fred hadn't built a vital part of his clip machine out of ignore diamonds! And so it happens that the machine breaks, everything goes horribly wrong, and the three kids are stranded in distinct eras—Laverne in the tentacle-ruled time to come, Hoagie in the American Revolution, and Bernard in the present.

Information technology's foolish but clever, and serves as more than antimonopoly a vehicle for jokes about George Washington's dentition. Day of the Tentacle's time travel is central to the game's best puzzles, with the kids swapping items back and forth across sentence and occasionally setting up portion in the agone so something changes in the in store.

Day of the Tentacle

At the risk of doling out 23-year-old spoilers I'll abstain from egg laying out any of the puzzle solutions here, but reckon: You're tired of the sun shining through your bedroom window every morning time thus you recuperate in time 100 years and plant a germ and when you go back to the forthcoming there's a big oak in front of your house.

Take that stick and up the zaniness gene aside a million—say, instead of you planting the Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree you win over Johnny Appleseed to do it—and you'll bear a good idea of the puzzles in Day of the Tentacle.

And for the most part, it works. Clarence Day of the Tentacle isn't nigh as straight arsenic most modern point-and-clicks, and this is LucasArts's paronomasia peak, but the game's surprisingly adequate at goading you in the right direction. Plus you now have the ability to illuminate hotspots if you think you're missing something obvious.

Day of the Tentacle

Whatsoever of the puzzles though…oof. And Threefold Fine knows it. I've ne'er seen a biz more willing to paper bag fun at its have shortcomings as Day of the Tentacle Remastered. Achievements for certain puzzles are titled things ilk "Obvious, really" and "I forgot this is a cartoon"—tonally fit, but also seemingly indicators that Tim Schafer and Co. recognize the leaps in logic required aside some of the game's more ridiculous moments.

There's no way to desexualise IT, of course. Or, rather, if it was "secure" then Day of the Tentacle purists would furore until they up arms and enslaved world.

But keep it in mind if you've never played Twenty-four hour period of the Tentacle before: This is most definitely an adventure gage from the 90s. Brilliant, merely don't equal afraid to refer a teaser solution if you're feeling frustrated.


That's not to say this is a one-to-one port of the 1993 underived. Like Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle has received the "Remastered" treatment and in this case Treble Fine's done many pretty blanket work.

About obvious is the fine art. The original's picture element nontextual matter has been, it seems, traced over frame by frame in a cleaner, more contemporary style. Thus you continue the Wyrd (sorcerous) herky-jerky animations of the picture element artwork but done awake for 2016—all smooth lines and soft blending.

Day of the Tentacle
Day of the Tentacle

Personally I comparable the pixel art (the bottom image) to a greater extent, only that's a subjective count and at any rate you can oscillation between both venerable and new by tapping F1. Which I did. A lot.

Hitting F1 also swaps between the old and new music (chiptunes versus orchestration) and between the two verb (read: legal action) inputs. The old method is the standard LucasArts grid in the tail left, which gives you much of freedom to try nonsense answers but necessitates a lot of mouse movement. The alternative is the more than modern Dial interface, where right-clicking brings up a list of suggested verbs for each object and then you mouse over to choose.

Best of every, you can mix and match the two Day of the Tentacle editions in the menu. I terminated finished running all but of the gritty with the new artistry, the telephone dial interface, and the longtime chiptune music—its off-kilter stable felt more faithful to the game's tone. But you could choose any combination, which is a courteous touch for 1993 purists and newcomers alike.

The one caution: You can't highlight hotspots in the original pixel art.

Bottom line

Day of the Tentacle is a classic, but not in the old musty style where you brush aside a copy of some old SNES plot and understand information technology International Relations and Security Network't A dear American Samoa you remember. This is quiet one of the finest point-and-clicks ever made, with a witty tarradiddle and some brain-bending puzzles. Too, a pi of a portion of dull puns.

As with Grim Fandango, the big news is that Twenty-four hours of the Tentacle's on sales agreement at each. The fact that Double over Fine's set back in and so much work as caretaker to bring information technology up to modern—operating theater at least for the most part modern—standards? Even improved.


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